Objective: CGL Manufacturing Inc. specializes in the CNC machining, fabrication, casting, painting, and assembly of powertrain and structural component parts. Our diverse range of capabilities allows us to take on the projects that other firms cannot, while providing a level of service unparalleled in our industry.
CGL Manufacturing had an old website that did not reflect the excellent products and service that they offer. A complete overhaul of their online marketing was necessary.
Proposal: After several consultations and strategy meetings, we partnered with CGL to upgrade their web presence. The underlying principle in the marketing strategy was to offer a clean and sophisticated presentation. Our photographer was to go onsite to shoot the factory, members of the team and the products, allowing for a more personal visual connection to the company. Video was selected as an impactful design option. The website was optimized for Google and mobile devices.
Results: A sophisticated website that illustrates the excellence for which CGL strives. A powerful, visual impact with custom photography. The client was so happy with the website that they have engaged Bush Marketing for an ongoing SEO campaign.
- Client: CGL Manufacturing
- Tasks: Website Development, Copywriting, Photography, SEO
- Website: cglmfg.ca