Content Marketing

Tips from the Bush Marketing Team!

The Canadian Anti-Spam Deadline: Are You Ready?

  This month’s blog post comes courtesy of guest blogger and friend of Bush Marketing, Mark Brodsky, owner of MB Digital Communications. Mark is an expert email marketing strategist, and...

What is the Marketing Funnel?

You may have heard the term “marketing funnel” used before when dealing with a marketing agency or researching how to market your business online. Perhaps you haven’t. Regardless,...

Business Email Etiquette; What Message Are You Sending?

Email has become the primary method of communication in business. It is fast, efficient and essentially free. Those are the positives. It is not, however, without it’s pitfalls, and the single,...

LinkedIn Best Practices

All social media sites are unique; they have their own language, their own dynamic, and most importantly, their own form of etiquette. Conduct which may be acceptable or even encouraged on...

Photos: Internet Marketing’s Greatest Weapon

There has been a shift happening in the general philosophy of online marketing, and it has been a long time coming. The notion of telling people about your business through copy is quickly moving...

6 Tips for Effective Business Blogging

There are a great many reasons to start a blog for your business. It is a great way to offer value to your client base, it is a fantastic way to attract new customers, and it is a dream for SEO...

5 Unbreakable Rules of Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing, when done well, is a tremendously effective way of engaging current clients and reaching potential customers. When done poorly, however, it can serve no purpose at all and can...

Three Tips To Ensure YOUR Email is Opened & Read!

You’ve been sending out your email newsletter. Sometimes you see a terrific open rate and lots of out clicks and other times it just lands flat and only a handful of people check it out. Often...