Questions to Ask a Website Design Company, Part 2

Web Design/ Questions to Ask a Website Design Company, Part 2

You have decided to hire a Website Design company to help you grow your business and generate new clients. Fantastic! Now you need to know which questions to ask so that you can make sure you hire the right company for the job.

This article will explore some of the questions you should pose to the web design company and what you should look for in an answer.

If you missed part 1 of the series, click here!

Will I have input in the design of the site?

The reality is this; good developers want your input. It is not possible for a web design company to have a high level of expertise in all industries, and it is vital that you, the client, is involved in the discovery process. Quality agencies should offer a detailed intake form and rely on you for information into your industry.

It should also be noted that the reverse is true as well. A good marketing company understands that they are the experts in their field, and won’t let the client dictate everything.


What are my responsibilities?

It is important to determine up front exactly who is accountable for what. In the contract for the website, and again as part of the discovery process, the web design company should make very clear what the client needs to provide the company.

Some examples of assets/information that the client is responsible for are:

  • Logos
  • Images
  • Written content
  • Contact information
  • Feedback

A quality marketing agency should be able to offer you branding, photography and copywriting services if you do not have them or cannot produce them.


How do you price your services and what is included?

Determining how you are billed, when and what can be expected are critical to determine. Is the project based on an hourly estimate, or a flat rate? What is included in that price and perhaps more importantly, what is not included?
What is the billing structure? When am I expected to pay and how much?

The Bush Marketing structure, for example, is very clearly laid out. We obtain a 50% deposit with the contract before we begin and the other 50% on launch day. It is clean and clear and everyone knows what is expected of them!


Who will own the website once it has been completed?

Budget website services (Squarespace, Wix, etc.) offer solutions for those with strict budgets, but once you stop paying your monthly service fee, your website is gone. Determine if the company offers complete ownership of your website (you want that) and if the company provides you the access to so that you can have control after development is complete.


Will I be able to make changes to the website myself?

Modern websites tend to have what is called a CMS, or Content Management System. The most popular example, WordPress, makes up for approximately 25% of the websites on the internet. One of the reasons for its popularity is that it has a reasonable learning curve and business owners and their staffs can update websites themselves.

Having a CMS allows great freedom for the business owner, and can save a bundle.


Will my website be mobile friendly?

It must be mobile friendly. It must be viewable on all mobile devices. This is a dealbreaker. If the marketing company or web design company cannot facilitate this, move on. All Bush Marketing websites are designed to be mobile friendly and to look amazing on them!


Interested in a unique, custom designed and branded website to help launch your company past the competition? Call Bush Marketing today!


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Since 2008, Bush Marketing has been helping businesses succeed with effective strategies that focus on growth. Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help you reach your business goals.

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