Customer care is the lifeblood of a successful organization. Good business is built on good relationships, and showing your clients that you are invested in them is essential to finding success. It establishes trust and shows them that they are of value to you, pure and simple. Don’t forget, they are free to leave and give their business to someone else at any time.
Here are four tips to showing your customers how much they mean to YOU!
Pay Attention and Take Action
If your customers are dissatisfied they may not always tell you. It is vital to gauge the thoughts and feelings of your clients, In this new, digital age, this is made much easier with online review sites such as Yelp, Urbanspoon, Tripadvisor, etc., but you still need a more comprehensive view of your customers’ opinions. Whether you use online surveys or good old fashioned phone calling, find out what your customers’ want and need.
Then it’s time to act. After you have acquired the information from your customers about ways that you may improve, create a plan to remedy any existing issues, implement it, and then reach out to your clients once again telling them that you have listened to what they have said and taken action. They will be grateful for your care and will likely reward you with more business and referrals!
Reward Them
Your clients, as stated above, do not need you or your company. There are almost always alternative options for business and your customers can leave and go to your competitors whenever they choose. Make sure they don’t! Value their business and reward their loyalty. Offer discounts or gifts as a thank you for their patronage. Another way of rewarding clients is to give something of value like information. Perhaps a free guide or reports about your industry to help better inform them of what you do and who you are.
Serve the Community
Show your customers that you are not just invested in them but in the community as a whole. Sponsor a local charitable event. Donate goods and services to a local charity auction. Hold a canned goods drive. This action is good for the soul of your company and its employees and displays that good will to those who use your company and those who may.
Not everything you do with your clients is a sell. That is a terrible mistake that many companies make. Show your clients that you are invested in them regardless of their business. Do you send Christmas cards to your clients? That’s good, but try sending them a card in the middle of the summer, with no agenda other than telling them you appreciate them. Call them out of the blue, tell them you were thinking about them and ask them how they are. Remember details about them – that their daughter is going off to university, that their mother in law had been under the weather. Ask about these things. Treat your customers as you would want to be treated!
Embrace these ideas, go forth, and put them into action. You may find the nature of your business changing for the better and you will be rewarded for it!
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